Institut Neurosport 

UMSAT-6 Questionnaire

 Mental Skills Assessment Tool

Self-scoring questionnaires

UMSAT6 Questionnaire 

Unified Mental Skills Assessment Tool 

Despite the availability of questionnaires such as the TOPS (Test Of Performance Strategies) and the OMSAT4 (Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool), the evaluation of mental skills still remains late in an athlete's curriculum. The length of the tests (the number of items) and the financial cost of these tests are perhaps one of the obstacles to early and regular assessments. In this context, in order to facilitate the simultaneous development of mental skills and physical abilities, the Neurosport Institute has developed a new questionnaire on mental skills. Shorter, limited to 30 items, the UMSAT6 (Unified Mental Skills Assessment Tool) was developed based on validated questionnaires commonly used in sports (TFAI-2, SMS-2, TAS 20 etc.).

Development approach

On the first basis of a diffusion and a free use for non-commercial purposes, our approach of development is articulated around two axes:

Reducing the number of items and dimensions

Social desirability (SD) is a tendency for individuals to want to portray a positive image of themselves based on what they consider desirable. Answers from self-reported questionnaires (self-administered questionnaires) exhibit the most social desirability bias. These biases are more prevalent in an employability, selection context. The context of the performance and the number of items are two factors that may reduce their reliability. These biases have been identified, for example, in the CSAI-2, which assesses pre-competitive anxiety (Smith et al. 2002). In the UMSAT6, items or dimensions that were too prone to social desirability bias were removed. Some dimensions that could be placed on a continuum (e.g., anxiety and fear) were merged.

Integration in the triple functional network model

The triple functional network model is a unifying framework from neuroscience data that is used in mainstream psychology to describe the links between brain functioning and the interactions between three major neural networks : the executive network, the salience network, and the default mode network (Menon et al. 2010). The interest of integrating this model in the field of sport has already been highlighted (van der Linden et al. 2021). The integration of mental skills within this model reduces the number of dimensions to be measured and opens a new category of skills called recovery skills. Indeed, the predominant activity of the resting network (DMN) reminds us of the importance of physical and mental recovery skills. This ability to recover allows us to maintain a good flexibility in the dynamics between these three networks. This flexibility will sometimes lead to the optimal state of flow.

SFMES Fatigue et surentraînement.

Dépistage de la fatigue et du surentraînement. Questionnaire de la Société Française de Médecine de l'Exercice et du Sport.
En savoir plus...

Interior Design

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Lighting Design

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Architectural Design

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The salience network activates the default network (DMN) or the central executive network (CEN) as needed. van der Linden D et al. 2021 10.1111/ejn.15014

UMSAT6: going further

3 Categories - 6 Dimensions - 30/18 Items (LF30/SF18)

Description of the 6 subscales

The 6 dimensions assessed are classified into 3 main categories : Cognitive skills (Central Executive Network); Psychosomatic skills (Salience Network); Recovery skills (Default Mode Network)


The following attention skills are tested: sustained attention, endogenous or exogenous selective attention, attentional flexibility, disengagement to release automatisms.

Goals setting

Organizational skills during training and competition are examined : planning sessions, defining achievable objectives of increasing difficulty, competition rituals. The organization of rest phases and the flexibility of training according to fatigue are also tested.

Mental Imagery

Motor imagery enhances motor performance. It consists of creating a visual image of the movement or simulating the sensations related to the movement. Self-talk and mental imagery are evaluated.


The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for physical or intellectual activity. The questions assess the ability to become energized even when tired and the ability to modulate the level of activation according to the timing of a competition. The search for optimal activation is linked to the notion of interoception.

Pre-competitive Anxiety

Cognitive anxiety (results) and body signals evoking somatic anxiety are assessed. Non-conscious anxiety is sought through differences in feelings between training and competition.


The muscular stresses and contractions generated by training require an indispensable rest period. The integration of mental skills within the three major brain networks that underlie them (DMN, SN, ECN) has opened up a new category of skills labelled recovery. It shows the importance of the physical and mental recovery faculties to keep a good flexibility in the dynamics between these three networks.

See also the TFAI-2 : mechanisms of anxiety (25 items - 3 dimensions) 


Echelle depression et anxiété

Brain mapping / Cartographies cérébrales


Short version


22 pages - Development & user manual


L'UMSAT6 et sa notice sont disponible en français.

Philosophy and functionalities of the NeuroSport Institute questionnaires.

Learn how to self-regulate

(Emotion, Attention, Recovery) 


Mental Skills


Menon, V., and Uddin, L. Q. (2010). Saliency, switching, attention and control: a network model of insula function. Brain Struct. Funct. 214, 655–667. doi: 10.1007/s00429-010-0262-0.
- Smith et al. 2002. Social Desirability Bias and Direction Modified Competitive State Anxiety Inventory–2. December 2002 Perceptual and Motor Skills 95(3 Pt 1):945-52 DOI: 10.2466/pms.2002.95.3.945
- van der Linden D et al. 2021 Go with the flow: A neuroscientific view on being fully engaged. Eur J Neurosci. 2021;53: 947–963.